
Eating customs in different countries

Eating and ordering food in any country is a part of a country's culture, and eating customs are passed down from one generation to the next.

Eating customs in different countries

Every country has its own eating customs and when you as a tourist are familiar with this culture and customs, you can communicate with the people of that country more easily.

Eating habits in any country depend on the geographical location, family customs, economic and social status of that country.

Eating anywhere in the world and at any time or while traveling is one of the most enjoyable and memorable parts of people's lives.

Here are some food customs in other countries:


It is forbidden to add salt and spices to food in Egypt! Because this is an insult to the chef.


When you travel to China and order food at a restaurant, be sure to leave some food on your plate because they think it means the food is not enough and you are not full.


It is interesting to know that in Thailand it is forbidden to use a fork as long as the main dish is rice. They believe that rice should not be eaten with a fork, and this is considered an insult, and a fork is used when the food is not rice. However, there is no knife in serving food and on the table of Thai people and they only use spoons and forks.

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